Acupuncture Services in North York & Toronto
Acupuncture is a complementary medical approach that involves triggering specific points on the skin with needles to treat various health conditions. The theory of acupuncture is based on the premise that the essentials of health is based on patterns of energy flow called Qi. When this flow is disrupted, it is believed to be responsible for diseases. Acupuncture has been theorized to correct imbalances of flow at identifiable points close to the skin.
Benefits of acupuncture:
- Relief from headaches
- Mood enhancement
- Improvement of sleep quality
- Immune system support
- Blood pressure control
- Increased energy
- Initial
- 60 Min $135
- Follow-Up
- 30 Min $90
- 50 Min $120
- Tuina Massage
- 15 Min $50
- 30 Min $85
- 45 Min $100
- 60 Min $120
- 75 Min $145
- 90 Min $170
- 120 Min $250