Cranial Sacral Therapy in Toronto & North York

Our Osteopath uses a highly developed sense of touch to assess and treat the mobility of the skull and its contents. The goal of this technique is to adjust the body’s physiology by restoring balance to the circulation of the blood and other body fluids. Our Osteopaths do this by treating the body’s inherent biorhythm. They are able to feel this rhythm in the patient’s head, spinal cord, and in the sacrum and the rest of the body. They use the biorhythm to assess the patient’s condition, and they may modify it during treatment.

Talk to our Osteopaths for a customized treatment!


Come learn more about our services


  • Initial Osteopathic Assessment
  • 60 Min $155
  • Osteopathic Follow-Up
  • 45 Min $135
  • 60 Min $155
  • Complimentary Osteopath Consultation
  • 15 Min Free
Many insurance companies allow direct billing for Osteopathy. A receipt will be provided for you to claim with your insurance provider, please confirm with your insurance provider for coverage information.

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